If you read the blog, you'll quickly find that I love CrossFit. I don't have a membership to a box, however I love doing a WOD here and there. Here are my best times/performances for various WODs (or other Metcons that I enjoy) as well as any other personal records that I feel so inclined to share. There are other CrossFit workouts out there to track and that I've done. These are simply the benchmark WODs I've done along with some other ones (Metcons, Hero workouts, etc.).
"Fran" - 4:30 (jumping pull-ups starting at the round of 15) - May 2011
21-15-9 of
95 lb thrusters
In June 2011 I did Fran with basically no jumping pull-ups in 5:39
"Nancy" - 18:22 minutes - April 2012
5 rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
95 lb Overhead Squats - 15 reps
- Previous PR was 20 minutes in May 2011
"Cindy" - 19 rounds + 6 Squats (jumping pull-ups starting at round 12)- May 2011
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
"Annie" - 13:25 - May 2011
Double-Unders and Sit-ups
"Jeremy" - 6:51 - May 2011
95lb Overhead Squat
Variation on "Annie" - 12:57 - May 2011
Double-Unders, Push-Ups and Air Squats
Dan's Metcon - 10:27 - April 2011
5 rounds as fast as you can of:
15 squat jumps
20 push-ups
20 crunches
16 lunges (8 each leg)
7 pull-ups
Dan's Metcon 2 - 22:10 (previous week was 28:07)- May 2011
4 rounds as fast as you can of:
15 burpees
10 wide push-ups
10 narrow push-ups
14 lunge jumps (7 each leg)
15 V-ups
10 pull-ups
10 halos
"HollBrook" (hero) - 22:59 - February 2011
Eight rounds for time of:
115 lb thrusters, 5 reps
10 pull-ups (I did jumping pull-ups due to my inability then to do pull-ups)
100 meter sprint
1 minute rest