My B-Day Present From my Wife |
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I'm especially grateful for my Dad and all he's done for me. He's been a great example of many things and I hope to be able to be half the man he is.
This is always a fun time of the year for me. My birthday and Father's day fall within the same week of each other each year. It typically means a lot of fun and family time. This week and especially this weekend did not disappoint. Thank you to my wife for making this weekend so fun. Thanks also to a few buddies at work for taking me out for sushi and surprising me with a "Hawaiian" pineapple upside-down cake.
Here's a look at what my workouts looked like this past week.
Monday: Legs
2x20 back squats - 185 lbs
3x8 clean and press - 155 lbs
3x6 front squats - 185 lbs
3x10 overhead squats - 135
3x10 box jumps - 24"
Tuesday: Jump Rope WOD - a spin off Workout 11.1 from the Crossfit Open
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
30 double-unders
15 ground-to-overheads - 25 lbs dumbbells
I completed 6 total rounds + 30 double-unders
I also did:
3 supersets of 30 plate presses (45 lbs) and 10 double-unders
3 supersets of 15 ball crunches and 10 double-unders
I'm becoming more efficient at double-unders, but still have a long way to go.
Wednesday: "Fran" + Legs...again. This was a pretty brutal day.
"Fran" - 21-15-9 of:
95 lb thrusters and pull-ups
I did a pretty legitimate "Fran" this time. No jumping pull-ups until the last 3 reps. I completed the WOD in 5:39
I also did:
2x10 back squats - 225 lbs
3x10 overhead squats - 135 lbs
Thursday: Normal/Traditional Day
3x10 flat bench press - 135, 185, 225 lbs
3x10 incline bench press - 135, 155, 185 lbs
3x10 Tri-shoulder complex at 25 lbs
3 sets of plate presses - 45 lbs
3 supersets of bungee lateral raises and plate presses (45 lbs)
Friday: Hiking
I did a short hike with our church's youth group. We were in the mountains for about an hour and a half.
Saturday: 28th Birthday Workout
For time, 28 reps each of:
Regular Push-ups
Thrusters - 25 lbs dumbbells
Ground-to-overheads - 25 lbs dumbbells
Air Squats
Hanging cleans - 25 lbs dumbbells
Wide Push-ups
Squat Jumps
High Decline Push-ups (feet resting on a four foot window sill)
Jumping Jacks
Narrow Push-ups
Ground to Ceiling Jumps (9 ft ceiling)
I completed the workout in 21:10. This was a fun homebound WOD.
What a fun week. As you can tell, I worked my legs pretty hard this week. I think that I'm going to take it easy on them this coming week (with the exception of one day probably). Thanks to friends and family, especially my wife, for making this Birthday/Father's day week so much fun for me.