Thursday, July 21, 2011

Use Elite Whey Protein as Part of Your Nutrition and Workout Plan

I was an athlete in high school, and I wasn't a bad one either.  I played both team and individual sports, won most and lost few.  I loved being active and playing sports year round.  It kept me healthy, happy and in good shape.

Now into my late 20s, I find that my lifestyle is not nearly as active.  About nine months ago, I realized that I was a bit overweight, out of shape and in need of a big change.  Back to the gym I went.

I started off easy: 30 minutes on a cardio machine during lunch and push ups and sit ups at home.  Eventually, I started working out with some friends from work.  I remember that after my first workout with them, I was exhausted but exhilarated at the same time.  I got back to work, ate a small lunch and went on my day.  Two hours later however, my body about crashed.  I was shaky, dizzy and fatigued.

That's when a friend of mine introduced me to elite whey protein.  I started drinking a protein shake shortly after every workout to help prevent my body from the post-workout-crash.  It was a life saver.  It was a simple, yet effective addition to my nutrition plan that had big benefits.  It provided my muscles protein that I needed to recover, and instantly put vitamins and nutrients in my body to help keep my energy levels up the rest of the day.

Now about six months later, I'm 15 lbs lighter, I have greater stamina and in some respects, I'm stronger than I was in high school.  There was a lot that I needed to change about my lifestyle, and my diet was a key part. Elite whey protein plays a large role in my daily nutrition plan.  I use it as a post workout shake and as part of a small meal in the late afternoons.  My favorite way to take it is to use a scoop of the vanilla creme flavor and blend it with fresh bananas and strawberries.  I find that when I take it, my energy levels are high, my hunger levels are controlled, and my post-workout recovery is more efficient.

I've still got a long way to go and a strong workout and fitness plan, combined with a sound diet will get me there.

Disclaimer: I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated.  However, the views and opinions are my own.

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